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Seller Policy Pages

Welcome to M SHOP! We are delighted to have you as a seller on our marketplace. Please read the following policy carefully to ensure a smooth and successful selling experience.

1. Product Listing:

All product listings must be accurate, complete, and comply with our marketplace's set guidelines and standards for listing items.

Sellers are responsible for providing clear, detailed descriptions, high-quality images, and accurate pricing information for their products.

Prohibited items include, but are not limited to, illegal or counterfeit goods, adult content, and restricted items. Listing such items on M SHOP is strictly prohibited

2. Order Processing:

• Sellers must fulfill orders promptly and within 48 hours of receiving them.

• Sellers are responsible for ensuring the correct items are shipped to the buyer according to the specified conditions.

• Sellers must provide valid tracking information for each order to facilitate smooth delivery and tracking for the buyer

3. Communication:

• We expect sellers to maintain open and timely communication with buyers regarding inquiries, order status, and any potential issues that may arise.

• Timely responses to buyer messages and resolving disputes effectively are essential components of providing quality customer service.

4. Customer Service:

• Sellers are responsible for providing excellent customer service to ensure buyer satisfaction.

• Resolving issues of concern to buyers, providing returns or exchanges when necessary, and fairly and effectively resolving disputes are key aspects of good customer service.

5. Pricing and Payments:

• Sellers are responsible for setting prices according to our pricing guidelines.

• M SHOP collects payments from buyers on behalf of sellers and pays sellers according to our payment schedule and terms.

6. Receipt and Withdrawal of Funds:

• M SHOP will deposit funds into the seller's business wallet upon confirmation of receipt of the item by the buyer.

• Sellers can withdraw funds from their business wallet daily. Withdrawals will be credited to the seller's company account within 7 working days.

7. Returns and Refunds:

• Sellers must adhere to our returns and refunds policy, which specifies the conditions under which returns and refunds are accepted.

• Refunds should be processed within 7 working days upon receipt of the original condition of the returned item.

• The transaction fee incurred for refunds is borne by the seller and is calculated based on the selling price paid by the buyer (2% for local payments, 4% for foreign payments).

8. Compliance with Laws and Regulations:

• Sellers must comply with all applicable Malaysian laws, regulations, and industry standards, including those related to product safety, labeling, and advertising.

9. Seller Performance and Responsibilities:

• M SHOP monitors seller performance and reserves the right to take action, including suspending or terminating seller accounts, based on our policies or low performance.

• We expect sellers to maintain a high level of professionalism, integrity, and ethics in all interactions with buyers and the M SHOP community.

10. Policy Violations and Enforcement:

• Violations of our seller policy may result in penalties, including but not limited to warnings, account suspension, or termination.

• M SHOP reserves the right to enforce policies and take appropriate action to address violations at our discretion.

• Malaysian laws and regulations serve as the benchmark.

11. Updates and Amendments:

• M SHOP may update or modify this seller policy from time to time to reflect changes in our marketplace policies, industry regulations, or business practices.

• Sellers will receive notifications regarding updates or modifications to the seller policy and are responsible for reviewing and complying with the latest version.

M Shop | Your Ultimate Online Shopping Destination

M Shop is a prominent online shopping platform based in Malaysia, renowned for offering an array of fantastic deals to customers in town. We pride ourselves on providing unbeatable deals on a wide range of products, all competitively priced.